Area Director

Brennen Sulivan

Fun Facts

GO TO SCRIPTURE VERSES: Ephesians 2:10; 3:14-21; Isaiah 43:2; James 1:2-8
HOBBY: Outdoor activities with the family. Reading. Combatives training.
FIRST CAR YOU OWNED: A beautiful maroon 1981 Buick Skylark I bought for $300.
FAVORITE BOOK (OTHER THAN THE BIBLE): Becoming a King (Snyder). A Praying Life (Miller). Gentle and Lowly (Ortlund).
HIDDEN TALENT: Maximizing time and relationships with meaningful rhythms and activities.


Grew up in a small city in Wisconsin filled with hardworking, Midwest-nice people. Studied psychology at UW-Madison and ventured into the financial industry. At 26, God redirected my life when my brother and his community showed me what it’s like to live on mission for Jesus. Committed my life to Jesus, moved to Allentown, PA, was discipled by my brother and Priority One men/ministries, and had an incredible opportunity to pour into kids while working at an after-school program in Allentown.

Met my bride, and completed my M. Div from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary, was blessed with two sons and followed God’s call to serve as a pastor at a church in Easton for 9 years. Began pursuing a D.R.S from Trinity College of the Bible and Theological Seminary and followed God’s leading to get on board with the awesome work Priority One is doing in men’s lives in the Lehigh Valley.


Being a dad is by far, hands down, bar none, my favorite thing in life! Being a husband is great as well, except I can convince my kids I’m right even when I’m not. I can’t do that with my wife :-). Family time is the best, especially hiking and other outdoor adventures. I enjoy reading, particularly theology and books that promote self-development and improvement. Walking with men to help them live the awesome life God designed for them is a passion of mine. I believe that there is far more victory available to us in Jesus than many of us realize or strive toward. Combatives training has become a fun new interest. I’m also a Full Focus productivity junky (Michael Hyatt), and love to help guys learn how to maximize priorities, productivity, freedom, and focus in all areas of their lives.