John Heemer


Fun Facts

Go to Scripture Verses:

Proverb 16:9, Ephesians 1:18-23, Romans 10:8-10, Jeremiah 29:11-13 (ask me next week and I’ll give you a new list)


Guitar, bicycling, grandchildren

First Car You Owned:

72 Duster

Favorite Book (other than the Bible):

Band of Brothers (Ambrose), The Civil War – A Narrative (Foote), Bonhoeffer – Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy (Metaxas), Waking the Dead (Eldredge)

Hidden Talent:

Written with invisible digital ink → ”____________________“


I surrendered my heart to Christ on a Young Life weekend in 1976 when Bob McCook invited me to stand up and “Say so”. Currently, living in Chester Springs, PA with my wife Jane. We have 4 grown children, 3 grandchildren and 2 old English sheep dogs. In 2016, on my 2nd missions’ trip to Kenya, I met Algias Kesembile Sitati. At the time Algias was a piki pikis driver (motorcycle taxi) a very dangerous occupation. At our first meeting we struck up a conversation about the brokenness in men and how there is very little help for men in Kenya to be truly disciplined in following Christ. In the Fall of 2016, I shipped materials to Algias, and he excited to start a small (big) group of 30 men. I even raised money for him to purchase plastic chairs for the men to sit on. The materials were used, reused, and shared in other areas spawning groups in 4 other towns many hours away. Over the past 5 and a half years we have prayed asking God to reveal what he has planned for us. In early 2021, we brought structure to our efforts in developing study materials (English & Swahili) and dubbed their ministry “The Herd…Leave your Hoof Print”. The Herd’s mission is to rescue men.
(See Battle at Kruger).
For 2022, we have launched a 26-week Men’s Discipleship Training Program that I co-lead with Algais Sunday mornings via zoom with 13 men in Nakuru, Kenya. Our prayer and mission are to duplicate what we are doing in other Churches and cities in Kenya.

John's Interests

Civil and WW II history, leadership, vacationing in Maine, traveling to Kenya.